40 dollar inclined bed frame ibt 1Inclined Bed Therapy:  Sleeping Inclined To Restore and Support Your Health For Free.  Fascinating Science, Discovery, History and Medical Research In Circulation And Posture, by Andrew K Fletcher.  Read the Success Stories.  Check the Forum.

If Any of these Questions Relate To You or Someone You Know, You need to watch this video. http://goo.gl/vX5vUz

Part 2 Results: http://youtu.be/Z9zWUZB7hAQ

Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) can be a life changing experience even when all else has failed.


Migraine Headaches?
Are you in the habit of visiting the bathroom many times during the night?
Does your child wet the bed?
Do You wake up each morning feeling worse than before you got into bed?
Do you believe that the bed you sleep in is healing you while you sleep?
Have you woken up with paralysis that wasn't there the night before?
Do you experience sleep paralysis?
Do you or your partner snore loudly?
Do you have diabetes?
Do you have multiple sclerosis?
Have you injured your spine?
Do you experience constant back ache?
Does your child have cerebral palsy?
Do you have an adjustable bed?
Do you suffer from poor circulation?
Do you have a leg ulcer?
Do you have varicose veins?
Do you have Parkinson's Disease?
Do you or your partners hands and feet feel cold when your in bed?
Do you experience poor sleep or suffer from insomnia?
Are you afraid you might not wake up if you go to bed?
Do you have restless legs / Ekbom syndrome?
On rising from bed, does it take a while for you to become mobile?
Does your face look puffy when you get out of bed?
Do you have Bells Palsy?
Do you or someone you know have a viral infection such as HIV, Aids, Ebola Etc?
Have you ever thought it might be the bed that is causing your health issues?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InclinedBedTherapy

We had one of our most fascinating shows to date today with Andrew K Fletcher.

Do yourself a favor and check out this podcast. Could be life changing. We're going to try it.

Patrick Timpone 23 June:

Andrew K. Fletcher -- The Phenomenal Health Benefits of Inclined Bed Therapy -- June 23, 2014

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone

Andrew K. Fletcher: Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT)

20 years ago Andrew made a phenomenal discovery in circulation and how gravity acts upon fluid density changes that take place in all fluids where water is evaporated. In trees (Where this theory began) evaporation from the leaves alters the density of sap. In the body, the warm lungs and airways provide the same density changes in the blood and other fluids. It was not long before it became obvious that posture was incredibly more important than anyone could imagine. To make use of these density changes and allow them to assist the circulation all we needed to do was to manage our posture.

This was a Eureka moment of such magnitude it went off the scale for Andrew and instantly gave birth to Inclined Bed Therapy.
Show Highlights:

-Andrew explains how learning about how trees uptake water led him to understand the benefits of inclined bed therapy
-How is it possible that varicose veins can disappear using inclined bed therapy?
-The evidence is overwhelming that the Egyptians slept this way
-Andrew describes the circulation process
-What kind of improvements can be expected by just raising the head of the bed by 6 inches?
-The excellent health benefits of using gravity: Andrew explains why astronauts age more quickly when in space
-Observing animals in nature, you will notice that most find an incline to sleep on
-Andrew and Patrick invite our listeners to try inclined bed therapy and report on their experiences to us. We will have Andrew back on the show at summer's end: http://oneradionetwork.com/health/andrew-k-fletcher-phenomenal-health-benefits-inclined-bed-therapy-june-23-2014/

Visit IBT Website: http://inclinedbedtherapy.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/InclinedBedTherapy

The video contains an explanation of perhaps the most important discovery in circulation since science began. It begins by explaining how gravity drives the circulation in trees and plants and quickly moves on to explain how gravity fits with human circulation and how simply tilting a bed by raising it 6 inches / 15 cm or more, higher at the head end will have a profound affect on a whole range of medical conditions currently thought to be irreversible. The literature states erroneously that gravity does not play a roll in circulation because it acts equally on the ascending and descending sides . Massive blunder. My son suggested I send this in to you and ask you to view it. I have been working on this discovery for 20 years now helping as many people that will listen as possible. Sadly many people have been conditioned to accept the advice of doctors, who believe that everything in their manuals is irrefutable. Science however tells us that nothing is set in stone and progress happens in the most unlikely corners.


Flat bed rest, which is known to cause multiple organ failure is forced upon people with viral infections?
IBT will without doubt make a huge difference to survival and recovery rates from Ebola and many other conditions.

[Download mp3] (75mb) (Right click and 'Save Link As')

Phenomenal Breakthrough for Your Health and Fitness in Circulation Driven by Gravity in these two important videos, that surprisingly costs nothing.

The inclined bed therapy challenge 3 months after Andrew made predictions about how simply raising the head end of your bed by six inches would have a positive impact for people with a wide range of illnesses in his first interview. The results reported from our listeners are in. Listen to this interview to find out and please consider leaving your own comments in the ‘comment section’ below.




Good science is repeatable and predictable. Patrick Timpone, during his radio show, while interviewing Andrew K Fletcher about his discovery in circulation and Inclined Bed Therapy, asked his listeners to put Andrew's theory to the test. He then invited him back to give another interview and to listen to what has changed for people who decided to test IBT for themselves.

Andrew made predictions about neurological conditions improving, along with varicose veins, spine problems, snoring, sleep problems, night time urination and much more.

The second interview explains much more about IBT and in it Andrew states that no babies should be placed horizontally in a flat cot / crib and that he had been told that his discovery in circulation had solved Sudden Infant Death Syndrome by The Former Foundation For The Study Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, who were the main advocates of the Back to Sleep Campaign. The person that said this was Dr S. Chantler, who was the senior research advisor to the charity. The charity has since changed it's name to the Lullaby Trust. He adds that they did nothing to investigate his findings?

He also discusses a recent trial / study conducted independently into diabetes, which has shown that blood sugar can be reduced simply by raising the head end of the bed 6 inches / 15cm.

Doctor Oliver Sacks  RIP


Letter he never responded to, written 24/10/2007

Dear Doctor Sacks 

I have recently found your site. I have known of your research from the awakenings and from many years of research into neurological conditions myself.

In 1994 I made an astonishing discovery into the driving force behind circulation in trees and plants. I have identified a non living physical force that generates circulation.

The logic is somewhat simple, possibly too simple to be thought of much use, However, using the principles of this discovery, I have been testing it with the help of people who have an open mind, much like yourself, on a whole range of neurological conditions.

My discovery is in how evaporation from the respiratory tract, eyes, skin and sinus changes the density of the bodies fluids releasing tiny pulses of salts into the body fluids, where gravity pulls the denser fluids down the vertical tubes generating a positive pressure in front of the falling solutes and a negative pressure and applied tension behind the falling solutes that provides the return flow of fluids with a boost. The spent solutes are excreted in the urine after being filtered by the kidneys, filtered blood is then less dense so can be pulled back up towards the heart in the venous return.

I can hear you thinking then what is the hearts purpose. This flow system is responsible for the development of the pulsatile flow evident in embryology long before the heart has formed. I cannot look at an inanimate drawing in a textbook now without seeing how this flow system applies. It brings the drawings to life when one understands this beautifully simple yet powerful process.

I believe this knowledge will enable people in catatonic state to recover function.

Having applied the logic to the way we sleep and sit, and modifying posture so that the body is never placed flat against a mattress but kept on a slight five degree head up angle to allow this flow system to continue 24 hours a day 7 days a week has proved highly effective in helping to reverse conditions including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury.

I have so much information to share with you doctor Sachs, I am hoping to stimulate enough interest to ask you if you would be so kind as to test my theory on some of your patients who are believed to be beyond help and who are contemplating risky surgery with little chance of success.

I have been wanting to talk with you about this discovery, but for some reason believed you had completely removed yourself from your research or had passed away. I am delighted to find that I was wrong on both counts.

I have absolutely no doubt that you will find this discovery as fascinating as I have and I believe emphatically that it can help your patients and friends as it has helped my family, friends and many people who I have not met.

My current research has led me to psoriasis, again using the same principles to show how skin lesions can vanish or vastly improve without drugs.

I look forward very much to your reply

Kind regards and a great deal of respect

Andrew K Fletcher


Professor Brian Pentecost MD FRCP British Heart Foundation fax 0171 486 1273  https://www.bhf.org.uk/
Andrew K Fletcher 26 Berry Drive, Paignton,
Devon,     TQ3 3QW

Dear Professor Pentecost,

Further to my last correspondence I am delighted to inform you of the following observations, which are recorded by people who have simply raised the angle in which they sleep by six inches at the head end of their beds.

Lady aged 66 * symptoms severe loss of movement in spine, unable to move, lethargy, and considerable pain, insomnia, and feeling cold in bed. The lady recently visited my home to tell me of her complete recovery which she says
is a miracle, she wishes to make her recovery public. Her spouse who is 67 * symptoms problems with water-works, testicular pains, large weeping scar on left arm since he was ten which needs constant attention due to
rawness and weeping, aches and pains attributed to his age. •j; also has made a full recovery and feels ten years younger, his scar has developed new healthy skin and no longer requires attention. He also says its a miracle and wishes it to be made public.

Lady who was told of the observation on scar tissue informed me that a facial scar which has remained raised and visible since she was six has now almost vanished and was visible when she started the experiment. She has gained a half inch in height which suggests her spine has somehow straitened. My own scar on my right leg is now less visible.

A lady has informed me of an overall improvement of Peripheral vestibular disorder of the inner ear which affected her balance, and aches and pains in her spine. Her mother suffers from osteoporosis and told her that the problems in her spine were the same for her when she was told that she had the illness.

MS A middle aged male is showing signs of improvement from MS, His therapist at Torbay Hospital has commented that his upper body strength has improved to a point that he can now hold his upper torso erect. He can stand in a frame and drink a cup of tea at the same time. His skin has changed colour and some sensation has returned to his legs, he can now distinguish between warm and cold and can feel the ground beneath his feet.

Cerebral palsy

A young girl in Kent
has reported that her condition is improving and she feels a lot happier since she raised her bed ; early days yet.

My father has suffered from varicose ulcers for forty years, he had five ulcers and his skin he described as like plaster of paris. He also suffers from varicose veins and considerable pain. His ulcers have now healed, his veins are deflating and when his skin peels off now he has new healthy skin forming. All pain has gone.

The heart
A friend who has an artificial valve in his heart, noticed that his feet and hands have returned to a normal colour but even more astonishing he noticed that when he lays horizontally his heart beat becomes irregular. Yet when he lays at an angle his heart beat becomes stable and appears to be getting stronger. These are just a few examples but clearly indicate dramatic physiological changes.
With kind regards  Andrew K Fletcher       /

Subject : Multiple Sclerosis

A case which again is not directly linked, but relevant is that of Marion Carrol which was shown on BBC's Strange But True. Marion was suffering from an advanced stage of MS showing all of the symptoms for the advanced stages of this illness. Marion visited the Blessing of The Sick at Knock which is said to be the place of miracles in Ireland.
Knock is geographically elevated, and therefore relatively less humid than a lowland area or river valley. On her return from Knock Marion actually rose from the stretcher and walked and has now made a full recovery with no aches or pains in the last six years. Her GP believes that a miracle has occurred in Knock and Dr Diardmuid Murray (Knock Medical Bureau) is employed to try to give a medical explanation as to why this event could have occurred
. The Stretcher Which Marion was strapped to for a considerable length of time ,measured in days, Was elevated to an almost sitting position with a further inclusion of a sloping position for her legs. This meant that she was in a similar position to the lady mentioned earlier who recovered from the liver disorder.

I Believe that the combination of prolonged resting position, altitude, and reduction in humidity, was responsible for Marion's recovery and not the divine intervention at present is the accepted explanation, however the very fact that Marion spent the time in on the stretcher was a direct "result of her visiting the shrine and therefore the whole picture could be attributed to her visit to Knock.

Subject : Other observations
I have observed a general overall improvement of health in all who have taken pert in this experiment so far. Mainly in our ability to fight infections, colds & influenza. This must surely be attributed to a boosted metabolic rate. With the above comment in mind I would like to draw your attention to a recent program on AIDS in Africa. A group of people who appear to have immunity to the disease are being examined to try to determine why they have not been infected by the disease which in some cases has wiped out whole villages, including their immediate family. The interest in this group of people stems from their profession which is prostitution . Prostitution in what is now described as the AIDS Capital of The World is surely the most dangerous profession in the World. Yet these people do not get AIDS or HIV. Why not ?

What do we do while a prostitute is actively occupied by the nature of her profession, answer : We sleep. In addition to the fact that a prostitute in a developing country will probably have at least one child to look after during the daylight hours, it can be safely assumed that this group of people are less likely to spend a long time laying horizontal.

Natural or unnatural sleep ?

Is Sleeping Flat A Natural Process adopted by other species or are humans doing something different ?
If one gives a dog some bedding they proceed to gather it up under their chest which effectively raises the position of sleep. In the wild dogs dig out an earth which has sloping sides again facilitating an angled sleep.

Cows and sheep given a choice will always sleep on an angle facing uphill. I have recently visited Snowdonia National Park. During my journey I noticed that entire flocks of sheep were sleeping with their heads facing uphill despite the fact that there was ample level ground in the field. The same observations were made with cattle Alligators and crocodiles sleep facing up the river bank and I now believe that their position in relation to the direction of gravity facilitates an increase in metabolism.

The giraffe don't / can't sleep flat and spend most of their time on the hoof, fish, birds, lizards, frogs, toads and most mammals do not sleep flat when allowed choice. Even a snake raises itself before striking.

The question remains as to why humans have adopted the ritual of sleeping flat and more to the point does history tell us of a different attitude towards sleeping position ?

Experiment : To raise the angle of sleep by a minimum of six inches at the head end of the bed, which facilitates gravity running through the body from head to toe while sleeping.
Anticipated response to experiment was merely to see if any visible improvements to health could be achieved.

Subject: Varicose veins.
Three ladies who took part in the experiment reported that varicose veins on their legs had deflated and all pain from them had gone. It took four weeks to effectively deflate two out of the three conditions The third lady whose veins were considerably worse took several months to deflate.


I used a loop of soft walled tubing filled with water. A tiny amount of coloured salt water was added and the tube was then joined to create an enclosed circuit. The tubing was then elevated to lift the salt solution to the top of the tubing. The salt water represents the concentration which I believe occur as a result of the loss of moisture from the lungs and skin.
salt solution which I coloured began its journey down one side of the tube causing water to be pulled and pushed up the other side. As this occurs the downward flowing salt exerts an outward pressure on the tube. The upward flowing water of the other side exerted a visible negative pressure within causing the tube to deflate. This gives an explanation for the deflation of the varicose veins.

Subject : paralysis

Participant of sixty years mentioned above as the third lady. Full Symptoms. Loss of movement in the toes and ankle of left leg, loss of sensation and severe swelling of the affected limb for over five years. Hands shaking badly when held out, and severe varicose veins. Cold feet in bed (bad circulation). Observation

Four weeks after the start date, I received a call to tell me that she could now move her toes and ankle. Her legs and feet feel warm while in bed. After four months I visited her to find that her veins had disappeared except for one which runs over her knee. The swelling had gone and the sensation had returned to her leg. But even more astonishing her hands no longer shook.

She admitted that her bed had been placed flat for a few weeks only to find that her symptoms started to reappear. Needless to say she will not be laying flat again.

Her husband who is sixty five, Symptoms : Deafness due to childhood meningitis infection, back ache, arthritis.

Five weeks into the experiment complained about pain in the ears. Went to GP who could not offer an explanation. Four months into experiment, complained about an increased level of traffic noise outside their home, particularly police sirens ? Its too early to make any comment but I am watching this reaction with interest.

Subject : Muscles
Almost all participants have recorded something happening to their muscles. In particular myself my wife and two boys ages fourteen and fifteen have observed that our muscles appear to be responding in a way that one usually attributes to weight training. More an awareness than an ache. Muscles appear to be growing and increasing in firmness.

Subject : Spine
Several participants have reported a side effect which causes an ache in the centre of the spine which gradually moves into the neck causing stiffness and finally disappears after a week or so.

Comment There is obviously some activity in the central nervous system and spine. Have now decided to include a patient with a spinal injury who lost the use of his legs after a motorcycle accident.


                                                                    University Of Exeter

Department of Complimentary Medicine

Postgraduate Medical School


Dear Mr Fletcher,                             Thank you for demonstrating your fluid transport theory to us, we were truly fascinated. I will see whether we can set up a controlled trial for leg ulcer healing.I will keep you informed. Yours sincerely. Professor Edzard Ernst

42 Bedford Square London WC1B SSL United Kingdom
TEL  +44(0)171 4364981 FAX +44 (0)171 436 7570
JB/HEG                                    Please quote ref:
17 September 1997
Mr Andrew Fletcher
The Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre
4a Chapel Hill

Dear Mr Fletcher,
I am pleased to see that some of the patients treated improved.
For our purposes, however, this account cannot be accepted as proof of efficacy. Testing new treatments in MS is a very difficult business because of the day-to-day variability of the disease.
With best wishes. Yours sincerely,
John Bignall MB Senior Editor

U.S. Agent for The Lancet, 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010
The Lancet Limited, 42 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3SL, U.K. Registered in England. Company number 1016593 England.


No reply sadly so guess it never reached him. RIP
Terry Pratchett
c/o Colin Smythe

Colin Smythe Limited
Gerrards Cross

Tuesday, 07 October 2008


We may be looking at a simple method of reversing short-term memory loss.

Dear Terry

Your books rely on other people reading them. My son, being someone who is an avid fan, first drew my attention to you as an author.

But reading books is not the reason for my letter today.

This letter is to ask you to read about my work on reversal of neurological conditions. Hearing you on the radio again relaying thoughts and observations on Alzheimer’s and how it is affecting your life and career, I would like to help you fight back and regain control of your memory.

Brief Introduction to history of a fascinating discovery in circulation.

In 1994, I began researching circulation in trees and plants to find out how they used salts from the soils and sugars produced by the leaves. As an engineer and scientist by nature with an enquiring lateral line of thought, I pulled the literature to bits, realising it to be wholly inadequate. Reassembled it in a coherent simplified explanation that explains how trees use gravity in order to lift water to great heights in a simple flow and return system driven by evaporation at the leaves (currently & erroneously believed to be an unavoidable loss that serves little purpose) Ironically, the same mistake has been made in human physiology.

Far from it being of little purpose, evaporation from the leaves of trees and indeed the respiratory tract turns out to be very important.

Evaporated water does not contain dissolved mineral salts and sugars. Yet the liquid it dissolves from does contain salts and sugars, making evaporation very important in concentrating these dissolved solutes making them denser and heavier than surrounding fluids, triggering a gravity driven flow in the direction of the ground. If you are upright and mobile, the circulation inside the vessels becomes positively influenced and providing our vessels are inline with the direction of gravity running from head to toe both the central and peripheral nervous system is optimised for repairing itself and maintaining order.

When we sleep flat on a bed, we are ignorant to the fact that gravity maintains our vital functions. This is precisely why a person with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s begin to notice changes first thing in the morning with a progression towards degeneration of the body and it’s functions most of us take for granted.

So what is the purpose of this letter to you?

Since the end of 1994. I have been working alone testing and retesting this theory by introducing a slightly inclined bed. So that it slopes down from head to toe at an angle of five degrees to the horizontal. This usually requires the head end of the bed to be raised by 6 inches or 15 centimetres. More if the bed is longer than 6’-3”

The thread below shows how the theory stands up against current literature with circulation, oedema (fluid retention) and varicose veins. Varicose veins being the first visible observation of changes indicating this theory is undoubtedly correct.


To see the changes that can be achieved with conditions including spinal cord injury, the video on youtube shows its effects clearly, yet even this has been ignored by the medical profession.


There are other video’s on my youtube account that show this powerful flow and return circulation system and well worth viewing.

The point this letter is trying to make to you is that simply tilting your bed may arrest your Alzheimer’s and may reverse your current memory impairment, which in your own words this morning on Radio 4 happens in the morning while trying to determine what it is you are trying to do.

During many years researching multiple sclerosis, two people in a group of 14 who have long term progressive ms, reported improved short term memory. Not something we were looking for at the time, but it has certainly opened a few doors for research. One account from an elderly lady in Teignmouth relayed that she would normally walk to the door to do something but try as she may, she could not remember what it was. Now she walks to the door and still forgets but after a minute or so can recall what she was trying to do. While this is not a person with Alzheimer’s, it is a person with a memory problem lacking further diagnosis.

What am I after?

I have helped many thousands of people over the years and have not received financial reward and indeed have not asked for financial reward. I don’t intend to ask you for it now either, so if you have assumed this is another begging letter please think again.

What I would hope to achieve by helping you to fight your illness is for you to help others to learn about this simple non-invasive free therapy and progress it towards becoming part of our mainstream arsenal against disease and injury.

Eventually leading to a small controlled study monitored by doctors and nurses, conducted in a home environment, influenced by anecdotal evidence from yourself and others, forcing it to take place.

How does this sound to you Terry?

Kind regards    


Mr A K Fletcher 26 Berry Drive Paignton Devon TQ3 3QW

Parkinson's Disease Society   http://www.parkinsons.org.uk
22 Upper Woburn Place, London
-fax: 0171 383 5754

Dear Mr Fletcher,
Thank you for your letter about elevating the head end of the bed for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. I have discussed your theories with one of our medical experts on Parkinson's Disease who has advised me that he has used the technique of raising the head end of the bed in people with Parkinson's who suffer from low blood pressure as a treatment for their low blood pressure. However, the mechanism whereby this technique is of benefit to those with low blood pressure is well known and differs from that which you propose. The results of a trial to test efficacy of raised beds for PD might be confounded by the effect on blood pressure.
There is no substantive evidence to support a formal research project to evaluate your proposal.
I am sorry that this outcome is less encouraging than you had hoped. With best wishes Yours sincerely

Helen Pask  Research Coordinator

S.I.A (Spinal Cord Injuries Association)
76 St James,s Lane
London    N10 3DF

Letter From John D Mason (T9 and T10. ) https://www.spinal.co.uk/

Attention of Lyn Punchard, Editor of Forward And Vivienne Davies
Dear S.I.A.
In response to your recent letters to Mr Andrew Fletcher and to the article you included on page 18 of the July-August addition of Forward, my  own improvements while which included an account  of participating in his trial and research.

The Article

I had a conversation with Lyn Punchard and discussed in detail how this simple therapy has helped to stimulate sensation of touch well below the damaged area of my spine, which is at T9 and T10.

I made this quite clear at the time of the telephone interview and also know that Mr Fletcher would not have told S.I.A that my injury was T11 and T12. The fact that sensitivity of touch has now reached my pubic area since I started sleeping with the head of my bed raised by 12 inches should be pointed out clearly in a future article in order to present an accurate account of the benefits gained from this therapy.
There have been many positive improvements in my physiology, some which could only be attributed to stimulation of the damaged nerves in my spine. Which were confirmed as a complete spinal cord injury by Dr Grundy of the Salisbury Spinal Cord unit.

Could you please call me at my home which I have found in this treatment to discuss the main benefits?

Your letters dated 24th September and October 6th are very negative considering that little or nothing is on offer for spinalcord injured people! I do not understand why you have adopted this attitude towards this exciting research. If I had adopted a negative attitude then the benefits which I now have, which enable me to live in a flat as a self sufficient adult would undoubtedly have remained a dream.

Julian Boustead whom I have known since we were at Odstock together following spinal cord injury is also concerned that the SIA attitude to this research is far to negative to say the least.
I do hope that you will adopt a more positive attitude as we the injured depend on organisations like yours to make sure that the very latest developments no matter how insignificant are made available to us immediately in order that we may judge for ourselves what is worth exploring.

Sincerely  John D Mason.
